💥Use Node.js/Docker/GraphQL/MongoDB to build micro services.
An NLP time parser for multiple languages, writen in Node.js
HIML - Hypo(Not Hyper) AI Markup Language, Make AI as easy as HTML !
微信小程序开发资源汇总 :100:
Chatie Official Blog
The paper list of the 86-page paper "The Rise and Potential of Large Language Model Based Agents:...
The Serverless Framework's new infrastructure provisioning technology — Build, compose, & deploy ...
React Native的中文参考资料,包括开源库,文字/视频资料,相关工具等
React Native 学习资源精选仓库(汇聚知识,分享精华)汇集了各类react-native学习资料、工具、组件、开源App、资源下载、以及相关新闻等,只求精不求全。
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