谢谢建议。iOS 版本之后会加入签到功能
哈哈 对上人了
你是如何删除功能的? 源代码?
毒蘑菇 哈哈哈
似曾相识 , 哈哈 @cmlanche
纯手写 html 和 css
哈哈 因为暂时不完善也不稳定 先迭代一段时间再说 😄
现在好了。可能出 bug 了 哈哈哈
Thanks. If have any iOS device, you could try it. The pixel collection have discount price for three retro apps 😄
Which city did you stay when you at China and how long? Cuz your Chinese writing skill is pretty good.
Yep, it is my favorite game which 8bit game console, such as NES and GB. Also I code such little game on my DIY hardware, here is the video which interactive with my iOS application:/.
For ur service, it could hosted in HK which may improve better connection speed.
Sounds great. I am also a solo dev. Here is my main app: https://woo-interactive.com
BTW, the connection speed is slow from Mainland China. If it is ur target market, for my recommendation, please improve it as first priority.
Did you dev these three website by ur self? What is ur next plan?
支持使用 Swift。
不过抢生意的来了 😓,现在还没有 Android 客户端,大家可以考虑。
Same to me. The connection speed is very slow for us in Mainland China.
Welcome to our community.
caonima.io is a very funny domain which include offensive words in Chinese. 😄
So which city do you live at current?
BTW, we have an international WeChat group if you willing to join. Here is the intro for it (at the end of the topic):
严重同意,这年头不缺的就是 idea。
另外,如果要找的程序员都这么 NB 什么能做了,他为什么不自己做感兴趣的产品,非要参与一个结果未知的项目。
以上仅个人看法,粗浅阅读了下,是一个第三方的客户端,希望 LZ 的作品能持续做出自己的特色 😄
目前推送功能 App 和服务端还在持续开发和优化中,在近期会更新版本,请耐心等候 😄