自我介绍 Hi,我是以色列独立开发者!

danielsz(Daniel szmulewicz) · 2021年01月13日 · 最后由 chiyun1 回复于 2021年02月24日 · 57 次阅读

大家好,我叫丹尼尔。我曾在中国居住过几年。我是 indiehackers.com(美网)的多年用户。无意间知道了中国也有个独立开发者社区,所以非常想参与你们,并了解作为独立开发者在中国的现状。 我所有的产品都是使用 lisp 语言。因为谷歌和脸书的垄断行为我不使用他们的产品。已有很多产品用户是中国的。 以下是我自主开发的一些产品:







也许是因为外网的关系?也许是因为 VPN 的关系?

Welcome to our community.

caonima.io is a very funny domain which include offensive words in Chinese. 😄

So which city do you live at current?

BTW, we have an international WeChat group if you willing to join. Here is the intro for it (at the end of the topic):


cmlanche 回复

Same to me. The connection speed is very slow for us in Mainland China.

aloveric 回复

Thank you for welcoming me so warmly. I appreciate that. I am based in Tel-Aviv. The domain name choice was guided by my penchant for meme-based marketing. It is effective and attracts attention. I also have a product called twitter-fu.com which sounds offensive to Americans. I didn't realize it when I launched. In my mind, it was play of word with twitter and kung-fu. I learned that for Americans fu is short for... well, I'll leave this for you to figure out. Anyway, twitter-fu.com was the number one app on etsy.com for many years. Since then, I try to find names that resonate with an Internet savvy audience, and memes are wonderful for that.

iwh718 回复

Are you into Lisp as well? I know there are very good Lisp hackers in China.


Did you dev these three website by ur self? What is ur next plan?

guyskk 回复


aloveric 回复

Yes, I develop everything by myself. My current focus is on growing the products and their audience. Thank you for asking!

danielsz 回复

Sounds great. I am also a solo dev. Here is my main app: https://woo-interactive.com

BTW, the connection speed is slow from Mainland China. If it is ur target market, for my recommendation, please improve it as first priority.

aloveric 回复

Nice! I can see in your designs the influence of pixel art, were you a 8-bit console gamer by any chance?

Which web hosting service would you recommend for the Chinese market? The servers need to be outside of China for legal reasons. Thanks!

danielsz 回复

Yep, it is my favorite game which 8bit game console, such as NES and GB. Also I code such little game on my DIY hardware, here is the video which interactive with my iOS application:/.

For ur service, it could hosted in HK which may improve better connection speed.

aloveric 回复

I like your clock design because it answers the question of how you display a user interface simultaneously on a device as small as a watch and as big as a TV.

danielsz 回复

Thanks. If have any iOS device, you could try it. The pixel collection have discount price for three retro apps 😄

Which city did you stay when you at China and how long? Cuz your Chinese writing skill is pretty good.

danielsz 回复

The Caonima website is hosted in the US and this is why it is slow. Fortunately, it is only used to sign users up and download the app. One the app is installed, you can select fast servers in Hong-Kong, Japan and Singapore. If you try it, please let me know how it is working for you.

I am a beginner in Chinese, I use google translate and my partner does more corrections. I'll forward the compliment to her ;-)

I don't have any iOS device, only a macbook. :-(

I've lived in Yunnan for two years, but I've also traveled in other parts of China.

欢迎,欢迎!得到以色列朋友的关注,牛啊。我后面做的应用会提交到 Google Play,多向你请教


cyyjs 回复

Speed test 哈哈,多谢!而且这个还很快!这个是北京那边电信用户的截图。


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